Page 9 - PowerPoint Presentation

Basic HTML Version

Dashboard :
Building Plan panel, provides a view of where the system
or device being monitored is located and it’s current status.
Dashboard: Building & Map View
This section of the Dashboard provides a visual picture of the state of your systems.
The view can be set to display:
• The plan of your building
• A map containing a number of buildings within a city or province, each building
being identified on the map.
• A map containing a number of buildings within a country, region or continent.
Here buildings are grouped together and as you zoom in. the individual buildings
will be displayed.
As a single status coloured indicator light is displayed for each building, Guardian
displays the most critical status light.
• Lowest Priority Green, will indicate that there are no problems.
• Highest Priority Red, will indicate a critical problem.
• Low Priority Yellow, will indicate a fault.
• Urgent Priority Blue, will indicate an AC power problem
• Special Coloured Icons can be provided.
Building Plan File Types
Guardian supports the following file types for displaying in the panel:
.dwg Auto CAD , jpeg , png, gif, tiff, bmp.
Should you have any other file types, please let us know and we will advise whether
we can accommodate your requirements.
1. Guardian offers customised alarm display icons on the building plan or map to suit
your particular requirements.